С.А. Лебедев, Н.Н. Бушуев, В.В. Бушуева
Гуманитарный вестник
# 7·2016
trudov 12-y Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii
[Formation of
professional culture of the 21st century professionals in a Technical University.
Proceedings of the 12th international scientific and practical Conference].
St. Petersburg, Polytechnic University Publ., 2012, pp. 73–74.
Bushuev N.N. Ekologicheskiye i ekonomicheskiye posledstviya zagryazneniya
tyazhyolymi metallami okruzhayuschey sredy
[Environmental and economic
consequences of heavy metals pollution of the environment]
ekonomiki v sistemu mirokhozyaystvennykh svyazey: sbornik nauchnykh trudov
XVI Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii
Integration in the world economic system. Proceedings of the 16th International
Theoretical and Practical Conference]. St. Petersburg, Polytechnic University
Publ., 2011, pp. 219–224.
Bushueva V.V., Bushuev N.N. Ekologicheskaya otvetstvennost nauchno-
tekhnicheskoy intelligentsii v usloviyakh innovatsionnoy ekonomiki
[Environmental responsibility of brainpower in innovative economics
Rossiya v globalnom mire: sbornik nauchnykh trudov 9-y
Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii
[Russia in the global world.
Proceedings of the 9th All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference]. St.
Petersburg, Polytechnic University Publ., 2011, pp. 58–60.
Sidibé P. Voz prirody. Vladimir Putin priekhal v Sochi [Who nature. Vladimir
Putin arrived in Sochi].
Rossiyskaya Gazeta
, Federal issue, no. 47009, July 4,
2008. Available at:
https://rg.ru/2008/07/04/sochi-putin.html(accessed May 20,
Potaptsev I.S., Pavlikhin G.P. Bushuev N.N., Bushueva V.V.
zarubezhnogo opyta resheniya tehnicheskikh zadach v inzhenernoy podgotovke
[Using foreign experience of technical tasks solving in future
engineers training]. Gorodnichev V.A., ed. Moscow, Ètnosotsium Publ., 2015,
156 p.
Aznar G.
La creativite dans l’ertrepise
. Paris, 1971, pp. 185.
Bushuev N.N., Bushueva V.V. Znacheniye Kiotskogo protokola dlya resheniya
globalnykh ekologicheskikh problem
[Kyoto Protocol significance for the global
environmental problems solution].
Rossiya v globalnom mire. Sbornik nauchnykh
trudov 7-y Vserossiyskoy nauchno-teoreticheskoy konferentsii 5–7 maya 2009 g.
[Russia in the Global World. Part I. Proceedings of 7th All-Russia Scientific-
Theoretical Conference 5–7 May, 2009]. St. Petersburg, Polytechnic University
Publ., 2009, pp. 138–140.
Lebedev S.A
., Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Professor, Department of Philosophy, Bauman
Moscow State Technical University. e-mail:
saleb@rambler.ruBushuev N.N.,
Cand. Sci. (Biology), Assoc. Professor, Department of Ecology and In-
dustrial Safety, Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
agrohim1@rambler.ruBushueva V.V.,
Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Assoc. Professor, Department of Philosophy,
Bauman Moscow State Technical University. e-mail: