Методологические аспекты экологической подготовки будущего инженера
Гуманитарный вестник
# 7·2016 13
Methodology aspects of future engineer environmental
© S.A. Lebedev, N.N. Bushuev, V.V. Bushueva
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The article substantiates the actuality of future engineers with environmental bias train-
ing and considers a philosophical and methodological approach to solve this task. Be-
sides, we marked out the main methodological principles such as interdisciplinary, com-
prehensive and system approaches, analyzed them and demonstrated their practical
importance for future engineers with environmental bias training. Moreover, the study
highlighted the significance of ecological world-view formation and future engineers’ en-
vironmental responsibility. Because of the
contradiction between the ecological and eco-
nomic factors at the present stage, we analyzed in detail different approaches for it solu-
tion. Finally, the article emphasizes the fact of necessity of making decisions in favor of
the environmental factors
methodology, method, ecology, ecological education, ecological worldview,
environmental responsibility of future engineer
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Formirovaniye professionalnoy
kultury spetsialistov XXI veka v tekhnicheskom universitete: Sbornik nauchnykh