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Р.А. Симонов


Гуманитарный вестник

# 9·2016


Gerasimova I.A., Milkov V.V. Simonov R.A.

Sokrovennye znaniya Drevney


[Innermost knowledge of Ancient Russia]. Moscow, KnoRus Publ., 2015,

680 p.


Turilov A.A., Chernetsov A.V.

Drevnyaya Rus. Voprosy Medievistiki — Old

Russia. The questions of Middle Ages

, 2011, no. 3, pp. 113, 114.


Pashkov A.M., Simonov R.A.

Istoriko-astronomicheskie issledovaniya —

Historical astronomical studies

, 1987, no. 19, pp. 311–324.


Simonov R.A. O podvizhnoy scheme dlya opredeleniya “vozrasta” Luny v

“Mirotvornom kruge” iz sobraniya RGB [On a mobile scheme for determining

the Moon “age” in “Pacificatory circle” from the collection of the Russian State


Seminar “Traditsionnaya etnicheskaya kultura. Narodnye znaniya.”

Institut etnologii i antropologii RAN. 19 noyabrya 1996 g. Informatsionnyy

bulleten no. 2

[Workshop “Traditional ethnic culture. People's knowledge.”

Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS. November 19, 1996. Newsletter

no. 2]. Moscow, 1997, pp. 4–5.


YaMZ 54403/3.

Yaroslavskiy gosudarstvennyy istoriko-arkhitekturnyy i

khudozhestvennyy muzey-zapovednik. Otdel pismennykh istochnikov


state historical-architectural and art museum-reservation. Department of written

sources]. 1691, 4 p.


Gorodetskiy M.L., Simonov R.A., Khromov O.R. Yaroslavskiy traktat po

drevnerusskoy matematike i astronomii v spiske kontsa XVII — nachala

XVIII v. [Yaroslavl treatise on ancient Russian mathematics and astronomy in

the manuscript copy of the end of the XVII — beginning of the XVIII century].

Trudy VII Mezhdunarodnykh Kolmogorovskikh chtenyy

[Proceedings of the VII

International conference “Kolmogorov readings”]. Yaroslavl, 2009, pp. 49–59.


Simonov R.A. Ob opyte izmereniya zemelnykh prostranstv Ermolaem-Erazmom

(seredina XVI v.) [On the experience of measuring land spaces by Ermolai-

Erasmus (mid XVI century)].

Tezisy dokladov i soobshcheniy nauchnoy

konferentsii “Istoricheskiy istochnik: chelovek i prostranstvo”


conference “Historical source: Man and space”. Theses of reports]. Moscow,

Russian State University for the Humanities Publ., 1997, pp. 300, 301.


Tsayger M.A.

Arifmetika v Moskovskom gosudarstve XVI veka

[Arithmetic in

Muscovy of the XVI century]. Beersheba, Beryl Publ., 2010, 72 p.


Zimin A.A., Khoroshkevich A.L.

Rossiya vremeni Ivana Groznogo

[Russia in

the time of Ivan the Terrible]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1982, 184 p.


Simonov R.A. Sinkretizm gumanitarnogo i tochnogo znaniya kak kachestvo

predmeta vspomogatelnykh i spetsialnykh istoricheskikh distsiplin. [Syncretism

of humanitarian and precise knowledge as the quality of the subject of auxiliary

and special historical disciplines].

Materialy XXVI mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy

konferentsii “Vspomogatelnye i spetsialnye nauki istorii v XX — nachale XXI v.:

prizvanie, tvorchestvo, obshchestvennoe sluzhenie istorika. 14–15 aprelya 2014 g.”

[Proceedings of the XXVI International Scientific Conference “Auxiliary and

special historical sciences in the XX — early XXI century: historian mission,

creativity, public service. April 14–15, 2014”]. Moscow, Russian State

University for the Humanities Publ., 2014, pp. 78–83.

Simonov R.A.,

Dr. Sci. (History), Professor, Senior Staff Scientist, Federal State-Funded

Institution of Science Center for Book Culture Studies, Research and Publishing Center

“Science” of the Russian Academy of Sciences. e-mail: