Расчет оптимальной цены на высокотехнологичный товар - page 12

Е.Н. Горлачева, А.А. Аникьева, В.И. Плеханов
Calculation of the best price on high-tech goods
© E.N. Gorlacheva, A.A. Anik'eva, V.I. Plekhanov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow 105005, Russia
The main purpose of the article is to consider the innovative product market — namely,
genes sequencer. We defined the type of the market and conducted a competitive analysis
based on M. Porter's model. We examined the main price factors and showed the results
of the calculation of the genes sequencer optimum price.
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Gorlacheva E.N.
, Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of the Industrial Logistics Department at
Bauman Moscow State Technical University. e-mail:
Anik'eva A.A.
, a student of the Industrial Logistics Department at Bauman Mos-
cow State Technical University. e-mail:
Plekhanov V.I.
, a student of “Industrial logistics” Department, Bauman Moscow
State Technical University. e-mail:
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