Современная российская историография проблемы ядерного разоружения - page 12

А.А. Манухин
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[Nuclear Reset: reduction and non-proliferation
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[Nuclear nonproliferation in
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Moscow, Institute of World Economy and Internati-
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Arbatov A.G., Dvorkin V.Z., Oznobitshev S.K., eds.
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[Prospects of participation of European nuclear powers in the Strategic Arms
Moscow, Institute of World Economy and International Relations
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Arbatov A.G., Dvorkin V.Z.
Bolshoj strategicheskij treugolnik
[Large strategic
Moscow, Press-club Service Publ., 2013, 55 p.
Arbatov A.G., Dvorkin V.Z., Oznobitshev S.K., eds.
Neyadernie factori
yadernogo razoruzhenia (protivoraketnaya oborona, visokotochnie obichnie
vooruzheniya, kosmicheskoe oruzhie)
[Non-nuclear factors of nuclear dis-
armament (antimissile defense, precision conventional weapons, space weap-
Moscow, Institute of World Economy and International Relations RAS,
2010, 71 p.
Desyat let bez dogovora po PRO. Problema protivoraketnoj oboroni v rossijs-
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[Ten years without the AMD Treaty. Antimis-
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Moscow, Spetskniga
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Oznobitshev S.K., Potapov V.J., Skokov V.V.
Kak gotovilsya “assimetrichnyi
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[How the “asymmetric response” to Reagan's “Strategic De-
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[On non-nuclear (prenuclear) containment in Russian
Defense Policy]. Moscow, MSU Publ., 2012, 28 p.
Barishev A.P.
Sovremennaya strategiya Soedinennih Shtatov i NATO (v
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[The current strategy of
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Predely sokrascheniya
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Moscow, Institute of Russian civilization Publ., 2013,
495 p.
Manukhin A.A.,
Ph.D., Assoc. Professor of the History Department, Faculty of So-
cial Sciences and Humanities at Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Fields of
studies: modern and contemporary history of Europe and America, Russian contemporary
history, revolutions as a historical phenomenon, relations between the great powers and
developing countries, United States — Latin American relations, contemporary United
States — Russian relations. e-mail:
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