Советский технократизм в 1917-1930-е годы - page 12

Б.Н. Земцов
Kovalevskiy M.M.
Istoriya SSSR — The History of the USSR
, 1969, no. 5, pp. 91.
Vasilenko S.A.
Imperatorskaya familiya v Rossii kontsa XIX — nachala
XX veka: imushchestvennoe polozhenie i obshchestvennaia deiatel'nost'. Dis.
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[Russian imperial family in the late XIX — early XX century:
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Zemtsov B.N.
, Dr. Sci. (Hist.), Head of the History Department, Bauman Moscow
State Technical University. Academic interests include the Russian history of the
XIX–XX centuries. e-mail:
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