Национализация элиты как общественная потребность - page 15

Национализация элиты как общественная потребность
Nationalization of the elite as public demand
© V.V. Legchilin
Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia
The purpose of the study is to identify real political science content of the concept "na-
tionalization of the elite". This concept is rather widely used in political analytics, how-
ever, studies that reveal essential characteristics of the process of gaining national status
by political elite are practically lacking. The author for the first time describes the corre-
lation of goal-setting and nationalization of the elite and proves the necessity to reject
borrowing targets and indicators of social development from Western culture. The author
regards return to independent historical creative work based on national cultural tradi-
tion as the essence of nationalization of the elite.
: political elite, values, goal-setting, nationalization of the political elite,
objectives and indicators of social development
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