
Approaches to academic support for hearing-impaired students in inclusive vocational and higher education for the cases of Germany, the USA and Japan

Authors: Oreshkina O.A., Safonova Yu.A. Published: 19.10.2016
Published in issue: #10(48)/2016  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2016-10-394  
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Pedagogics  
Keywords: students with disabilities, inclusion, support services, technologies, adaptive educational programs, accessible environments

We have analysed approaches to academic support for hearing-impaired students studying for academic degrees and vocational certifications under the inclusion model in Germany, the USA and Japan. We outline trends and the most important technologies common for these countries. The aspects that influence development of support systems include legislative and legal, economic, cultural, technological ones. We focus on institutional arrangements that ensure access to education. We emphasise networking infrastructure solutions and technologies as promising development directions. Apart from physical accessibility of the higher education institution environment, educational programs should be accessible in terms of their content. This analysis correlates with the best practices of Bauman Moscow State Technical University in this field.

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