
Logical-philosophical interpretation of the conceptual variable idea

Authors: Oseledchik M.B. Published: 16.10.2023
Published in issue: #5(103)/2023  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-5-872  
Category: Scientific reports  
Keywords: attractor, linguistic variable, conceptual variable, concept, knowledge functional theory, understanding, polycode text, multimodal text, lexical-semantic fields, metagraphs

The work is based on the “fuzzy sets” methodology by L. Zade, ideas of V.V. Nalimov, and on the functional knowledge concept by M.B. Oseledchik. It presents a logical and philosophical definition of the “conceptual variable” idea as the individual knowledge recursive cognitive function, which makes it possible in the process of multimodal perception of the certain phenomenon to obtain different conceptual interpretations depending on the phenomena perception context and the pragmatic and intellectual problems facing an individual. In the natural language, each lexeme performs the function of representing a concept or a set of concepts. These concepts are simultaneously the metagraphs in their structure, while becoming the top of another metagraph. Individual knowledge allows an individual to implement the acts of self-determination and self-orientation in the world. The knowledge state is a set of cognitive acts that are continuously and conceptually interconnected. A possibility of this continual and conceptual interconnection is due to the fact that concepts are the quanta of knowledge united into the concept sphere. In a language, the concept sphere exists in the form of a semantic network of lexemes that are repeatedly interconnected. These ideas made it possible to construct a conceptualization and verbalization scheme, they provide an interpretation of the conceptual variable concept as a strange cognitive attractor.

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