
Nonlinear dynamics and the origin of the cognitive ability of intelligent systems

Authors: Kaganov Yu.T., Oseledchik M.B. Published: 09.09.2021
Published in issue: #4(90)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2021-4-736  
Category: Scientific reports  
Keywords: human intelligence, cognitive revolution, modern brain, cultural drive, self-generation of meaning, attractors, autocatalytic coevolution, distribution of knowledge, speech communication, psycholinguistic boundaries

The emergence of a modern human being, the formation of his brain and a complex of cognitive abilities in the process of evolution is not a linear process, but the result of a complex interaction of a huge number of constantly changing environmental conditions, genetic mutations, emerging social relations and knowledge systems as conditions for successful survival. This process is described by means of current physical and mathematical theories associated with the ideas of self-organization of complex nonlinear dynamical systems. One of the factors in the rapid development of the brain and intelligence has become the so-called cultural drive — the mechanism of the autocatalytic co-evolution of cognitive abilities, social learning and culture. Cultural drive is necessarily accompanied by the active development of speech and speech mechanisms as ways of transmitting and receiving information. A flexible, multidimensional and complex communication language allowed distributing information within society, which made it possible to quickly increase its amount. With the appearance of language as a kind of sign system, semiotic mechanisms arise, described by semantics, syntax and pragmatics. The most important task of a person participating in communication is the task of generating meaning, as well as its perception in received messages. This gave an even greater impetus to the development of human intelligence. Ultimately, all this led to the emergence of the modern human brain and the cognitive revolution, which significantly accelerated the emergence of modern ways of thinking and cognition, as a system of formed attractors that determine the ways and forms of intellectual response to changes in the natural and social environment, facilitating the use of knowledge accumulated and distributed in society and assisting to quickly reconfigure knowledge and produce new one.

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