
Management philosophy in the theory of political socialization

Authors: Scheglov I.A. Published: 13.08.2019
Published in issue: #4(78)/2019  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2019-4-612  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: management, management philosophy, political socialization, sociological propaganda, ideologization, mass-ordinary consciousness, Russian society

Special attention is paid to the problems of power and management in scientific works on political socialization. In this research the author addresses to the management philosophy problem in order to reveal its importance for the theory and practice of political socialization. The tradition of studying political socialization from structural and functional viewpoints does not seem to be promising. According to the author, management philosophy can significantly contribute to solving the problem of overcoming the limitation of structural and functional type of scientific knowledge, established in the theory of political socialization, which is relevant for modern political science. The paper deals with the management philosophy in the context of its scientific potential, which can be successfully used in the reorientation of the functionalist paradigm of research in the field of political socialization to the humanitarian basis. This task is revealed by the author's research hypothesis presented in the study.

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