
Phenomenological theory and its structure

Authors: Lebedev S.A. Published: 19.12.2023
Published in issue: #6(104)/2023  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-6-879  
Category: Noname  
Keywords: scientific theory, phenomenological theory, empirical knowledge, fact, empirical law, method of principles

Phenomenological theory appears to be a part of the scientific knowledge empirical level. Its objective includes cognitive activity in constructing the empirical (abstract) reality, its description and subsequent comparison with the two other realities: sensory and objective. A structure may be considered successful, if applied as a standard to sensory and objective reality, their partial content or functional identity with empirical reality are revealed. This identity is never absolutely complete, but only relative and approximate. The goal of the scientific knowledge empirical level lies in designing and constructing empirical (abstract) reality, its description and subsequent comparison with the sensory and objective reality. The project is considered successful, if using the empirical reality as a standard in assessing the sensory and objective reality results in their partial substantive and functional identity with the empirical reality. This identity is never absolutely complete, but only relative and approximate. A number of structural requirements to its product, i.e. the empirical knowledge, regulates empirical cognition in science. They include: most accurate description of observation and experimental data at the protocol sentence level, correct generalization of the protocol sentences in structuring the scientific facts, construction of such empirical laws that would have the maximum explanatory and predictive power, construction of a phenomenological theory as a reference theory in relation to sensory and objective reality.


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