
Philosophical and religious views of Archpriest Avvakum during the period of his activity in Pustozersk

Authors: Chernykh V.D., Zakharov V.Yu. Published: 05.04.2024
Published in issue: #1(105)/2024  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2024-1-885  
Category: Noname  
Keywords: Old Believers, Archpriest Avvakum, Pustozersk saints, medieval Russia

The paper analyzes processes in formation of the theological and social views of the early Old Believers ideologist. It reveals prerequisites leading to alteration in ideological principles of the Russian church thought during the period of reforms started by Patriarch Nikon. Philosophical views of one of the Old Believers adherents were analyzed in relation to the basic dogmatic principles of the Orthodox doctrine. They included eschatology, understanding sanctity of the royal power and the patriarchate, ideas about the tsar image in the Russian religious environment, and admissibility of interaction with the post-reform Church. The influence degree of philosophical ideas of the Eastern patristic heritage and Russian national thought on this process is shown. Philosophical views that determine the Old Russian men attitude to the holiness of Church, and the factors that shaped the views on the Universal Church during the collapse of the Byzantine Empire are outlined. Attention is drawn to the stable connection between the social origin of Archpriest Avvakum and formation of his views on the moral component of the Old Russian Christian doctrine. Connection in the Orthodox people understanding between the religious principles and their personal moral qualities is indicated. Conclusions are drawn on dynamics of the Avvakum theological views during transformation in the external conditions of church life and attempts to create new forms in development of rituals in the unusual historical conditions.


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