
Human capital as a modern imperative in formation of professional expectations of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University students

Authors: Opletina N.V., Ryzhova N.V., Baida A.P. Published: 03.11.2022
Published in issue: #5(97)/2022  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2022-5-805  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Social sciences  
Keywords: competence profile, human capital, labor market, social and personal qualities, professional expectations

The paper considers problems of forming professional expectations of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University students as future specialists in context of the human capital requirements. It demonstrates that the modern world of high technologies creates new demands for knowledge, skills and abilities of a young specialist entering the labor market based on the human qualities. Besides, the time of university training becomes an important factor in accumulating human capital in the demanded competence profile of future specialists. The conducted sociological research served as the basis to represent main trends in accumulation of the social and cultural capital by the Bauman Moscow State Technical University students.

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