
Innovation in development strategies: formation of a new field of science

Authors: Bruyaka N.V., Bagdasaryan N.G. Published: 04.03.2015
Published in issue: #2(28)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2015-2-216  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Social sciences  
Keywords: innovation, innovation activity, innovation science, social and philosophical approach, communicative space, institutional status

The paper looks into the process offormation of a new field of social science, innovation science. The authors are interested in objectives and the outlook of the new science, they are inspired by considerable hopefully positive impact it may have on the development of civilisation and exciting opportunities of further comprehensive research of innovation activity such impact necessitates, and especially by exploring its challenges. The article provides thorough investigation into modern approaches to the study of innovation, giving a particular attention to socio-philosophical one. The authors have tried and proved the need of further in-depth study of the field in order to reveal the way intrinsic factors underlying civilisation development correlate with each other.

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