
The commercial potential of cyberspace: the sociocultural context

Authors: Bagdasaryan N.G., Silaeva V.L. Published: 15.05.2014
Published in issue: #2(16)/2014  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2014-2-168  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Social sciences  
Keywords: Internet-content, sociocultural context, Internet advertisement, banners, virtual goods and services, Internet-marketing, bitcoin, online currency

The Internet has enormous influence on various spheres of modern life -politics, education, social sector, mass media, daily relations, and it is evident to all. Along with this phenomenon, the commercial component of the world wide web is increasing, building a new type of economics. The paper gives a review of the Internet commercialization types in the sociocultural context: direct and hidden advertising, content and virtual goods trade, on-line selling of goods and services, using online currency.

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