
Sensuous knowledge in science

Authors: Lebedev S.A., Minakov A.A. Published: 23.08.2023
Published in issue: #4(102)/2023  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-4-857  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: levels of scientific knowledge, sensuous cognition, sensory model of an object, scientific observation, experiment, measurement

The paper considers the sensuous level of knowledge in science, its nature, specifics and basic methods. It substantiates the relatively independent nature in relation to the empirical level of scientific knowledge, illegality of their identification, qualitative difference between ontology and methodology of the sensuous knowledge in science and the ontology and methodology of the empirical level in scientific knowledge. At the same time, relationship between these levels of scientific knowledge and genetic primacy of the sensory level are emphasized.

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