
Ratio between institutional and socio-cultural factors in formation of the patriotic consciousness

Authors: Tumin A.Yu. Published: 21.03.2023
Published in issue: #2(100)/2023  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-2-831  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: patriotism, society, public institutions, public consciousness, service to Homeland, culture, communication, worldview, patriotism formation

Intensification of external and internal social risks demonstrates that one of the key factors in maintaining social stability is consolidation of the society members’ efforts aimed at ensuring constructive social interaction, normalizing the main public institutions operation, as well as overcoming the existing threats to social stability. In this context, patriotism becomes one of the powerful social saving factors, as it determines the citizens desire to realize their public interests. Currently, development of patriotism is one of the key tasks in the modern Russian society. Implementation of this approach appears possible, if the main spectrum of factors influencing the patriotic consciousness development is determined. Two main areas of the research activity could be identified: analysis of the institutional factors in the patriotism development and study of the cultural foundations for formation of the patriotic consciousness. Studying institutional factors in the patriotism development makes it possible, on the one hand, to determine the role and significance of social mechanisms that directly are forming the civic attitudes. On the other hand, such study allows identifying the relationship between the state of the public life main spheres and the way members of society react to the social reality surrounding them. Study of sociocultural factors in the patriotism development makes it possible to determine the moments of continuity in civil attitudes, as well as the influence of the communication factor in formation of the social worldview on the final level of patriotism in the society. However, final determination of the current trends in forming patriotic attitudes in the civic environment becomes possible, only if the institutional and sociocultural factors are compared, since the state of main social institutions determines the nature of personal social experience received by the society members. In turn, initial characteristics of the social worldview are formed under the influence of external cultural factors and affect interpretation of the resulting social experience. This indicates the need for a comprehensive evaluation of the prerequisites for formation of patriotism in the public environment taking into account both the state of the main public institutions and the nature of current trends in the cultural sphere.

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