
Anthropological challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies

Authors: Chernikova I.V., Tunda E.A. Published: 21.03.2023
Published in issue: #2(100)/2023  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-2-830  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: technoscience, NBICS technologies, digitalization, information ethics, risks, safety, social communication, thinking

The paper considers phenomenon of technoscience and NBICS technologies that are forming the technoscience core. Convergent technologies are affecting transformation in the individual person and in the society, which is accompanied by the growing problems caused by uncertainty and innovation risks. Technoscience requires a search for responsible solutions already at the stage of technology design, and not at the final stage associated with their application. Technoscience includes not only fundamental research, but also the social practice. The new quality that science acquires at this level lies in the fact that the picture of the world created by technoscience includes not only objects, but also the human world. At the present stage of social dynamics referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, information and digital technologies are becoming the drivers in development. Prospects and risks of the influence of information technologies and modern digitalization processes on a person and society were analyzed. Digitalization ambivalence is indicated, which, on the one hand, provides global communication, labor automation, forecasting capabilities based on big data, but, on the other hand, indicates the threat of social ties transformation, unprecedented social stratification, virtualization of culture, destruction of the personal space, manipulation of consciousness, computer propaganda, deformations of thinking, cognitive decline, etc. Identification of the digitalization risks does not mean rejecting the digital technologies, which is impossible, but an increase in the effectiveness of humanitarian expertise, awareness of the need to form cultural regulators that include digital ethic determining the communication mechanisms in a network society and decision-making in the interests of a person, but not the digital capitalism.

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