
“Rationalization” of childbearing (global and regional experience): Historical and philosophical analysis. Part 1

Authors: Muraviova E.O., Chzhen A.O., Yunikov S.R. Published: 28.02.2023
Published in issue: #1(99)/2023  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-1-824  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: birth rate rationalization, abortions, state social policy, childbearing control mechanisms, demographic potential

The paper considers the phenomenon of “rationalizing” the childbearing, i. e. the tendency to establish state control over continuation of the human race and to introduce coercive mechanisms to reduce or increase the population size. Besides, mechanisms are provided of childbearing control used in the ancient Greek city-states and described in the works by Plato and Aristotle; practices related to the population reproduction and increase in the tsarist Russia and in the Russian Empire; mechanisms of “positive” rationalization in Germany in the 1930s; practices used in China and India, etc. Examples of modern population control mechanisms in different regions of the world are given that are aimed at both reducing and increasing the population size depending on the internal situation in certain states. Comprehensive evidence base is presented, historical and philosophical analysis is carried out, and list of practices that are currently used in the world is provided.

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