
Fiction philosophy in the works of F. Nietzsche

Authors: Zhernovnikova P.S. Published: 30.08.2022
Published in issue: #4(96)/2022  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2022-4-793  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: fiction, being, truth, story, irrationalism

The article is dedicated to the views of F. Nietzsche on the nature of fiction and its significance in the process of cognition of being, the formation of a picture of the world and the attitude to it. The consideration of F. Nietzsche’s position also takes place in the context of a legal fiction to determine whether philosophical dogmas can be applied to legal constructs. F. Nietzsche believed that all conceptions of the world do not relate to their real nature, and the true nature of things is incomprehensible. Man’s desire to create fictions comes from the will to power, giving an incentive to interpret concepts at the will of the subject. Thus, in the struggle of opinions the one that belongs to the powerful will win. Human consciousness tends to fill gaps in the understanding of things and phenomena with prejudices and assumptions from experience. Thus, with the passing of time and the increasing complexity of the world picture, old established fictions are being superimposed on new ones, creating a reality only remotely similar to that created by nature. However, such dualism does not exist to the detriment of man. On the contrary, fictions are created to help a person, to become an instrument in his or her will to power and the will to life in general. According to the author, the concept of «useful falsehood» may match and include the concept of legal fiction, since the latter is created by a person for the same purposes — to adapt to life, to simplify it by creating patterns and analogies, which, in fact, does not bring man closer to the knowledge of the key original ideas of existence, but lays the foundation for knowledge or provides the basis of life of society.

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