
The formation of the concepts of “consent” and “conflict” in the history of philosophical thought

Authors: Khokhlova O.M. Published: 04.04.2022
Published in issue: #2(94)/2022  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2022-2-769  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: phenomenon, society, social development, public consent, disagreement, conflicts, order, consensus approach, conflictological approach, polyvariant approach

The article analyzes the concepts of “consent” and “conflict” in different historical periods. The problem of consent in society is identified and the original concept of the best state structure is presented. It is concluded that the social order comes with full consent and harmony of all social elements of society, integrity and public consent are the interaction of subjects in an effort to understand each other, in the act of communication the truth is revealed, which is based on understanding, freedom and good, they are interconnected. Three main approaches to the interpretation of these concepts are identified: consensus, conflictological and polyvariant, which is best suited to the modern realities of the development of society.

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