
Jointness of social being as a category of social culture: comparative analysis of different positions

Authors: Chubanov I.Y. Published: 04.03.2020
Published in issue: #1(81)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2020-1-644  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: jointness, social ontology, intellectualism, community

The paper presents the precise definition of the concept of jointness of being in a society on the basis of existing interpretations of jointness. The difference between such socio-philosophical categories as “be beside”, “be together” and “being jointly” is indicated. The role of community as a condition for the transformation of biological "being together" into a joint being is analyzed. The place and role of jointness in creating a new social axiological space are defined. Some prospects for the study of this concept in social culture are shown.

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