
Dialogic nature of philosophical knowledge and the possibility of teaching philosophy

Authors: Chernogortseva G.V., Nekhamkin V.A. Published: 04.03.2020
Published in issue: #1(81)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2020-1-642  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: philosophy, teaching philosophy, education, higher education, society, humanities knowledge, natural science knowledge

The meeting points of philosophical, humanitarian and natural-scientific knowledge are indicated and it is shown how the harmony of various scientific worldviews can be expressed in the pedagogical process. It is stated that the advantage of philosophy as an intellectual practice lies in its principal orientation to understanding the human position in the world, in its unindifference to the fate of civilization and culture. In addition, philosophy always grows out of concrete historical conditions and its conclusions are decisively influenced by the personality of the creator. Nevertheless, philosophy and natural science knowledge mutually use each other’s achievements and this should be emphasized in the pedagogical process.

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