
Ideological basis of Islamic fundamentalism

Authors: Volobuyev A.V. Published: 31.10.2018
Published in issue: #10(72)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2018-10-565  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: religion, fundamentalism, Islam, Wahhabism, Islamism, Islamic fundamentalism, philosophy of religion, theology, modernization, social philosophy

The purpose of the paper was to investigate the ideological basis of Islamic fundamentalism – one of the most significant challenges of modern world. The article is focused on resolving of the misunderstanding connected with incorrect using of such terms as “Islamic fundamentalism”, “Wahhabism”, “salafism” and “Islamism” as synonyms. The basic doctrinal concepts of Islamic fundamentalism such as ijtihad, bid, jihad, caliphate and others are analyzed

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