
Study of mental foundations of social solidarity

Authors: Gubanov N.N., Gubanov N.I., Volkov A.E. Published: 22.03.2018
Published in issue: #3(65)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2018-3-510  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: solidarity, constructive similarities, constructive differences, destructive similarities, destructive differences, É. Durkheim, attraction-repulsion intensity , attraction-repulsion intensity

The study shows that it is the similarities and differences between the mentalities of individual and group subjects that determine social solidarity. For the first time we present the meaning behind four pairs of mental characteristics: constructive similarities (matching economic interests, political, legal, ethical and aesthetic ideals etc.), destructive similarities (intolerance, including that towards critique, being incapable of dialogue etc.), constructive differences (visual and conceptual modes of thinking, various cognitive styles, forms of art etc.) and destructive differences (opposite values, economic interests, behavioural standards, goals etc.). An important task for the state, especially formal education, is to increase the constructive similarities and differences between social groups while decreasing the destructive ones. At the planetary scale, formation of globalist mentality becomes a way to reinforce intercivilisational solidarity.

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