
Political views of the Russian students in the early XX century

Authors: Yurkina N.N. Published: 23.08.2023
Published in issue: #4(102)/2023  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-4-856  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Historical Sciences and Archaeology  
Keywords: students, university, political ideas, strike, social movements, social and political journalism

High political activity of young students, their desire to participate in public life in the Russian Empire, as well as vivid response to significant events in the country life were a characteristic feature of the educational period at universities in the late XIX and early XX centuries. Reasons for formation of the active public position, ideas captivating the students, mass gatherings and demonstrations led to the fact that the students were considered instigators of the 1905 revolutionary events. The paper analyzes political convictions of students, forms manifested by the youth discontent, reasons, why the students concentrated on politics instead of studying.

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