
Russia in the XVII-XVIII centuries: on the way to becoming superpower

Authors: Zemtsov B.N., Krylov A.O., Smirnova M.I. Published: 22.08.2016
Published in issue: #7(45)/2016  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2016-7-371  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Historical Sciences and Archaeology  
Keywords: superpower, Russian history, XVII-XVIII centuries, modernization, westernization

The article overviews the most interesting reports and speeches presented at the students' scientific conference "Russia in the XVII - early XVIII centuries: on the way to becoming superpower". The discussed issues are theoretical considerations on such concepts as superpower, modernization, westernization, the issues of socio-economic and political development, Russia's foreign policy and its results, outstanding personalities of that period and their legacy.

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