
V.N. Panin, the Opponent of the Judicial Reform of 1864

Authors: Suzdaleva T.R., Fedorov K.V. Published: 15.04.2015
Published in issue: #1(27)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2015-1-234  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Historical Sciences and Archaeology  
Keywords: new legal statutes, the independence of the court, Minister of Justice, an opponent of judicial reform

The paper is devoted to the struggle for the judicial reform of1864. The authors focus on the personality of the Minister of Justice V.N. Panin, who actively opposed the new Legal Statutes. He was an influential statesman enjoying the confidence of Emperor Alexander II. V.N. Panin was defeated in his fight against the judicial reform, but his concern about the unpreparedness of Russia to the radical transformations, has proved partly justified.

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