
Optimization of using intensive methods in teaching a foreign language

Authors: Uliskina T.K., Karpukhina M. A., Aginskaya N.V. Published: 25.06.2018
Published in issue: #6(68)/2018  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2018-6-529  
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Philology. Linguistics  
Keywords: optimization, innovative idea, communication in foreign language, intensive method, intensive training

The article considers optimization of innovative ideas for teaching communication in a foreign language — in this case in English, German and French. The results of long-term work aimed at improving the process of teaching foreign languages beginning from the zero level through studying the methods of intensive training and practical approval of effective methods, means, methods of presentation and fixing new teaching material are generalized. In general, the ideas examined represent reserve opportunities for the further development of intensive training, applicable not only to short-term courses, but also to continuing education

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