
Current Transformation Processes in the System of Elite Engineering Education

Authors: Sidnyaev N.I., Sobolev S.K. Published: 24.03.2015
Published in issue: #4(30)/2015  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2015-4-230  
Category: Technological aspects of the engineering education | Chapter: Pedagogics  
Keywords: engineer, modernization, higher education, industry, innovation, professional elite, methodology, education, concept

The article is devoted to the modernization of the national system of engineering education. The problem of conflict resolution in the field of higher engineering education has been studied in terms of innovation development. The role of technical universities in the preparation of elite science and engineering and public-management professionals has been examined. The main features of the elite mathematical education at the technical university have been analyzed. The analysis of transformation processes in the national education system is given. Considerable attention is paid to the methods of modern worldview formation in the course of preparation of engineering staff on the basis of basic training.

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