
Political and legal features of organizing the activities in regard to the use of renewable energy sources in Switzerland

Authors: Kologermanskaya E.M. Published: 02.11.2017
Published in issue: #11(61)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-11-488  
Category: Economic and legal problems of engineering education | Chapter: Jurisprudence  
Keywords: renewable energy sources, renewable energy, energy law, energy law in Switzerland, electrical power engineering, the energy strategy of Switzerland

The article analyzes political and legal features of organizing the activities concerning the use of renewable energy sources in Switzerland. We outline the relevance of applying the renewable energy as the safest one for the environment and natural resources as well as for the people’s health and quality of life. The cases of nuclear (atomic) power engineering destructive impact are described. The selection of the Swiss laws in the discussed field is based on the idea that this state has developed the renewable energy policy representing the basis for the legal regulation of relations in the considered area. Besides, there are state authorities of general and special competence whose vicarial powers in the specified area are clearly defined. The article investigates the provisions of such political documents as the Renewable energy action plan adopted in 2008 and the Energy Strategy 2050 adopted in 2011 that establish the trends in the state of internal and external energy policy. We consider the major juridical definitions for such notions as the renewable energy sources, etc. The basic enactments regulating different aspects of developing the renewable energy in Switzerland are examined, in particular, the Constitution of Switzerland (1999), The Energy Act (1998), the Energy Ordinance (1998) and The Electricity Supply Act (2007).

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