
Innovative technology and alternative energy of floating power stations

Authors: Rodionova V.G. Published: 12.09.2017
Published in issue: #9(59)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-9-465  
Category: Economic and legal problems of engineering education | Chapter: Economics  
Keywords: floating power station, body of water, extensive development, floating platform, renewable resources, replacing fossil fuel generation, resource costs, resource restrictions, fossil fuels, unforeseen consequences, solar generation, wind generation, generation potential, Magnus effect, flexible solar storage battery, the secret behindplat-form buoyancy, generating capacity, turbine, rotor, displacement of the platform, waterline level, submerged body diameter, working depth

The article considers the first floating solar and wind power station options used in several other countries. These power stations are gradually replacing traditional capital-intensive land-based energy industry infrastructure in a number of countries. We analyze advantages and disadvantages of alternative electricity generation.

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