
Competence profile of a sought-after technical specialist and his adaptation to the youth labor market

Authors: Voznesenskaya P.S., Opletina N.V. Published: 17.12.2021
Published in issue: #6(92)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2021-6-755  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Social sciences  
Keywords: labor market, technical sphere, adaptation, professional skills, competence profile, personal characteristics, youth

The study focuses on the competence profile of a technical engineer in the modern labor market. It is the technical sphere that changes most intensively in the modern world of innovation and quickly forms new requirements for specialists. The study analyzes the professional competencies and personal qualities necessary for a young specialist to enter this field, as well as the key skills which are important for a young specialist to be part of the structure of the modern Russian labor market and to successfully adapt to it.

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