
Worldview aspects of management of changes in digital transformation

Authors: Kozhevina O.V. Published: 12.05.2020
Published in issue: #2(82)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2020-2-655  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Social sciences  
Keywords: managerial worldview, management of changes, digital transformation, principles, management theory, design thinking, prototyping, business process optimization

Increased competition and digital inequality are becoming global challenges at the global economy and corporate governance levels. Effective implementation of the concept of change management contributes to the creation of sustainable competitive advantages for organizations, especially in the areas of industry, finance and public services. The article focuses on the substantive aspects of digital transformation, presents the subsystems of the digital transformation model and characterizes the skills of specialists and digital transformation managers. It is proved that digital transformation refers to complex changes; management principles are outlined within the framework of the digital transformation paradigm. The stages of the change management process, the reasons for resistance to changes, the need to increase the involvement of stakeholders in digital transformations are considered. Prototyping as one of the effective tools for implementing organizational, technological, and product changes has been investigated in detail. The best foreign practices and technologies of using design thinking in management of changes have been studied. This allows showing the advantages of design thinking and prototyping, in particular, for managing changes in digital transformation and solving change planning problems. The conclusions are formulated on the new worldview and stereotypes of managerial thinking formation in the context of digital transformation.

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