
Humanization of engineering and managerial activities: the dialectic of tradition and innovation

Authors: Subocheva A.D., Subocheva O.N. Published: 09.07.2014
Published in issue: #4(18)/2014  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2014-4-200  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Social sciences  
Keywords: humanization of engineering and managerial activities, humanitarian education of an engineer, moral principles and norms of an engineering manager, the morals of an ideal leader

The research studied theoretical and applied problems of humanization of engineering and managerial activities and traced the influence of humanitarian culture on ethical and socio-psychological aspects of the engineers' activity. Attention is paid to principles and norms of manager's moral behavior, which are implemented in management communication. We emphasized mutual influence of moral and professional qualities of an engineering manager.

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