
Socio-economic differentiation of the society in the digital age: is netocracy fiction or reality?

Authors: Rodionova V.G. Published: 09.07.2014
Published in issue: #4(18)/2014  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2014-4-199  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Social sciences  
Keywords: socio-economic differentiation of the population, the social state, social policy, real wealth, prosperity, normal level of prosperity, poverty, misery, law of unforeseen consequences, netocracy signs, post-industrial society, technological base of netocracy, cost of competitiveness

The article examines general aspects of socio-economic differentiation of the population in terms of wealth and indicators of real wealth. Scientifically developed methods and criteria for evaluation of social processes are applied in public policy in almost all countries of the world. However, modern science has not sufficiently investigated the latest social phenomena that are brought by digital era in the sphere of social life. Thus, netocracy appears to be a new and understudied phenomenon. It is named as a particular social group, using IT and digital programming methods as the main factors of postindustrial society, the seizure of power and real wealth on a global scale.

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