
Ideal characteristics of the XXI century head of State: Russia’s and international experience

Authors: Nekhamkin A.N., Nekhamkin V.A. Published: 11.10.2017
Published in issue: #10(60)/2017  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2017-10-480  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Political Science  
Keywords: head of State, sovereign, conditions of the age, the quality of the head of State, Russia

We consider certain qualities of the heads of State required by the XXI century sociohistorical practice. The evolution stages of the sovereign’s optimal personal characteristics search from ancient times until the XX century are observed. The article introduces the notion "conditions of the age " characterizing the requirements to the sovereigns by the social dynamics tendencies. It is established that a specific set of personal qualities needed for the present national leader corresponds to each condition of the age. These qualities are researched from the perspective of the multidisciplinary approach, in a consistent manner, with due consideration of both Russian and international experience.

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