
Social technologies as a tool for destructing the state constituent integrability

Authors: Remarchuk V.N. Published: 07.12.2016
Published in issue: #12(50)/2016  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2016-12-401  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Political Science  
Keywords: state, statehood, state integrity, social technologies, humanitarian technologies, soft force, state constituent integrability, non-forced technologies, political elite, globalization, state sovereignty, controllable chaos, national safety

The paper examines social technologies as an integral tool of the current foreign policy which is actively applied for destructing the state constituent integrability. The research provides an insight into the state constituent integrability and its role under the conditions of globalization. The special attention is paid to non-forced technologies for changing the political regimes, tools for destructing the statehood. The study takes a new approach to counteract the state constituent integrability destruction and loosing its sovereignty.

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