
Differences between the Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium and the Jesuit collegiums

Authors: Krylov A.O. Published: 05.05.2023
Published in issue: #2(100)/2023  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2023-2-839  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium, Petro Mohyla, Society of Jesus, second scholasticism, history of education

The paper demonstrates differences between the Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium and the Jesuit collegiums. It compares objectives of creation, composition of the tutors, programs and pedagogical features of those educational institutions. Jesuit academies were created to spread the idea of the Society of Jesus throughout the world, while St. Peter Mohyla set himself tasks that were more modest: teaching Orthodox youths of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and preparing new generation of the higher clergy for the Kyiv Metropolis. The Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium was closely connected to the church hierarchy, while the Jesuit collegiums were not depending on the episcopates. The Jesuit collegium tutors were coming from different countries and social groups, but they had common pedagogical and scientific background. Tutors of the Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium came from the West Russian gentry, but had different training. The Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium program differed from the Jesuit collegium programs both in the elementary grades and in the philosophy and theology courses. It is concluded that the Kyiv-Mohyla Collegium was not a copy of the Jesuit collegium adapted for the Orthodox environment.

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