
Philosophy of complexity and problems of transdisciplinarity

Authors: Opolev P.V. Published: 07.11.2022
Published in issue: #6(98)/2022  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2022-6-809  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: disciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, scientific organization, complexity, transdisciplinarity, transdisciplinary argumentation, philosophy of complexity

The history of science discovers the feedback loops, when complication in scientific knowledge gives rise to new socio-cultural challenges, which, in turn, stimulates growth of the scientific disciplines and science overrunning the boundaries of own subjectivity. Multifactorial problems facing the scientific knowledge could not be solved within the frames of a monodisciplinary approach; there appears a need for a polylogue between the carriers of different disciplinary ontologies. The rise of integration between scientific disciplines and social subsystems to a qualitatively different level made it possible to speak of transdisciplinary synthesis and formation of a transdisciplinary scientific ideal. Transdisciplinary synthesis is one of the “complexity science” characteristics and takes the form of the practical philosophy of complexity. The transdisciplinarity problem was analyzed, and the features of the transdisciplinary discourse features were considered. Transdisciplinarity appears to be a transcending science shift to the realm of lifeworld. In the transdisciplinary discourse development, both the next crisis of science, source of the scientific disciplines synergy and the “scientific mythology” formation stage claiming to be the actual form of the scientific worldview could be noted.

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