
Scientific fields as the reflexive forms: transcendental tradition evolution in the E. Husserl’s creative work

Authors: Burtovaya Yu.V. Published: 30.08.2022
Published in issue: #4(96)/2022  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2022-4-798  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: scientific field, science foundations, reflection, life world, cognition prerequisites, phenomenology, transcendental philosophy

Philosophical research is always associated with redefining the subject under study and, accordingly, to reformatting the categorical tools being used. Idea of the scientific field as a heuristic tool is introduced in substantive consideration of the issue. The article reveals originality of the reflexive position occupied by one or another thinker, identifies specific ontological tasks set by the researcher and demonstrates features of the categorical means describing objective reality under study. As a specific historical case, philosophical heritage of Edmund Husserl is attracted dated to the time of his Cartesian Meditations creation. Phenomenological program in the form presented by Husserl is no longer just a critique of rational cognition and scientific research. Above all, it appears to be the critique of consciousness as such in all possible formats of its practical manifestation, including scientific and prescientific, theoretical and practical spiritual, predicative and prepredicative.

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