
Three ideals of an intellectual: socio-philosophical analysis

Authors: Krylov A.O. Published: 30.08.2022
Published in issue: #4(96)/2022  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2022-4-790  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: intellectual, the history of intellectuals, Julien Benda, intellectual aristocracy, Karl Mannheim, Richard Collins

The term intellectual, which is widely used in the humanities, has no unambiguous definition. In fact, there are three homonymous concepts — an intellectual as a prophet of reason and civilization, an intellectual as an exponent of the interests of a particular social group, an intellectual as a performer of special social functions. The article substantiates the thesis that the three views on the concept of intellectual are not purely scientific points of view on a social phenomenon, but competing ideological projects put forward in the late XIX — early XX century by various forces operating in the Western world. The first concept of an intellectual was born in the French Third Republic, the second — among European Marxists, the third — in the USA.

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