
Digital utopia in modern society: socio-philosophical aspect

Authors: Khalutornykh O.N., Egorova E.A. Published: 04.04.2022
Published in issue: #2(94)/2022  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2022-2-771  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: utopia, utopianism, digital utopia, digitalization, technology, virtual reality, digital society

The paper analyzes the phenomenon of utopian digital space in modern society in close connection to the virtual arrays implementing it. The study theoretically overviews the process of forming a digital utopia; describes the technologies for its visualization and implementation, as well as the construction of auxiliary cyber structures; emphasizes the means of digital utopia, namely new artistic phenomena, i.e. computer graphics, net-art, which have arisen under the influence of computerization and the latest technologies. The author’s definition of the concept of “digital utopia” is given, its specific elements are considered. Furthermore, the study characterizes the ideological transformation of the digital utopia as a phenomenon over the past decade, examines and analyses the most popular prognostic theories concerning the further development of digital utopias in a post-industrial society, and assesses these theories and their place in the modern system of philosophical knowledge. The research finds a modern person to be turning into Homo informaticus within the framework of a digital utopia, increasingly resorting to the digital world as a means of abstracting from reality, getting lost in existing utopian constructs and creating new ones.

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