
Cratomania: the experience of theoretical (socio-philosophical) understanding

Authors: Nekhamkin V.A., Nekhamkin A.N., Firsanova E.V. Published: 17.12.2021
Published in issue: #6(92)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2021-6-752  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: power, cratomania, types of cratomania, individual cratomania, utility

The paper summarizes the existing definitions of cratomania and gives a new definition of this phenomenon as an individual-social one. Within the research, we analyzed personal cratomania in detail describing its types and specific forms of manifestation, identified three types of personal cratomania — age-related, physiopathic, individual-collegial, and outlined their specific characteristics, features, symptoms. Furthermore, we revealed the contradictions inherent in cratomania — subjective and subject-object and analyzed measures to deal with cratomania. As a result, we proposed utility as a criterion for the extension of the leader’s staying in power. Thanks to this criterion, it is possible to distinguish between a cratomaniac and a politician who ensures a positive development for the country. We found that cratomania presupposes a certain game both on the part of the head of the country and society. Finally, we pointed out the need to identify new types of personal cratomania and emphasized the prospects of studying personal cratomania as an individual-social disease.

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