
The problems of choosing values for artificial intelligence systems

Authors: Maykova V.P., Molchan E.M., Maykov A.I. Published: 04.05.2021
Published in issue: #2(88)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2021-2-715  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: artificial intelligence systems, values, ethics, moral values, moral norms, moral principles, superintelligence, cyborg machine

The paper considers the problems of choosing values for artificial intelligence systems, which in the near future will become independent agents of objective reality and will be included in human life activity. The study shows that in the context of urgent problems of the changing reality, modern society faces the task of both the choice of values for artificial intelligence systems and the technical and regulatory stages of their implementation. The concept of “value” is replaced by a preference that acts as an information-idealized form embedded in the software of cyborg systems. Findings of research show that the choice and inclusion of values in cyborg machines is associated with the customer’s priorities. However, due to the self-learning of artificial intelligence systems, unpredictable synergistic effects are possible, or intelligence systems will switch to superintelligence, which can result in their uncontrollability. This requires a new methodology that determines the basis of modern scientific and technological progress, cognitive, i.e. epistemological, information development in order to form a legal and ethical framework in response to the challenges of digital globalization, which is transforming into globalizing individualism.

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