
Philosophical concepts of interaction between technology and society in the practice of social modernization

Authors: Przhilenskiy I.V. Published: 04.05.2021
Published in issue: #2(88)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2021-2-711  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: technology, society, philosophy, modernization, modernity, personality, progress, development, production

This article considers the development of technology and technical means of production as a factor of social modernization. The problem of structural-functional, systemic and dynamic aspects of the impact of technology on human life and society is investigated. Such concepts as modernity and development, in the context of social transformation, are often associated with technological progress, the achievement of new technological heights, but in practice their role is largely instrumental. The concept of the era of technical and technological development is proposed as a factor for assessing the role of the impact of a particular technology on social processes. The concept means not only the level of technical capabilities of society inherent in a particular historical period, but also advanced technologies that anticipate the potential of the modernization process. The issues of identifying the element-by-element interaction of technology and society at various levels are discussed.

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