
Noofactors as elements of a consumer society: socio-philosophical aspect

Authors: Nazarova I.R. Published: 08.02.2021
Published in issue: #1(87)/2021  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2021-1-700  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: noofactors, the society of consumption, total alienation, critical thinking, socially responsible investing, coevolution

The article brings up an issue of the possibility of the emergence of new factors of socio-economic development in the consumer society with its total alienation of a person from himself and the destructive role of money for the system of ontological and axiological connections. It is shown that the development of a consumer society leads to the violation of triunity of the socio-economic-ecological model of sustainable development and causes not only intense environmentalization of public consciousness, but the natural appearance of noofactors contributing to the co-evolution process of the formation and development of nature, society and technosphere.

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