
Identification of “imaginary communities” in the period of “late modernity”: Current trend

Authors: Bagdasaryan N.G., Sedova L.I. Published: 25.11.2020
Published in issue: #5(85)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2020-5-682  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: “late modernity”, identity, identification, “imaginary communities”, identification dilemmas, identification mechanisms, collective memory

Global economic, political, social and cultural transformations causing the crisis phenomena of the societies of “late modernity” again bring the problem of identity up to date. Turning to this topic reveals a complex of multidirectional processes, which provide the backdrop to the formation and rearrangement of new communities. As the basis for the socio-philosophical analysis of the problem, the concept of “imaginary communities” is proposed; this makes it possible to reveal the nature of the integration of social associations and the search for self-identity. In terms of the concept introduced, the ambivalence of identification is shown; the mechanisms of self-determination in the conditions of a mobile, changing modernity are indicated.

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