
Category of “the event” in space and time of the psychoanalytic act: the philosophical aspect

Authors: Velikanova L.V. Published: 01.09.2020
Published in issue: #4(84)/2020  
DOI: 10.18698/2306-8477-2020-4-673  
Category: The Humanities in Technical University | Chapter: Philosophy Science  
Keywords: event, subject, subjectivation, truth, psychoanalysis, A. Badiou, J. Lacan

The paper attempts to comprehend the philosophical category of “the event” at the confluence of ontology and social philosophy. “The event” is considered within the framework of psychoanalysis, which, in turn, is both a social practice and a form of ontology of subjectivity. A. Badiou’s concept of “the event” was taken as a starting point, according to which “the event” is always associated with truth and is the possibility of becoming a subject. The paper compares Badiou’s ideas with the provisions of J. Lacan’s psychoanalytic theory and shows the relationship between Badiou’s concept of “the truth” and Lacan’s concept of “the thing”, and also argues that the subject’s aspiration for truth is a condition for the production of knowledge in psychoanalysis. The thesis is put forward that the first event for the subject is the moment of primary subjectivation associated with “the other”, which is the guarantor of the subject’s being. In addition, the author insists that “the event” in psychoanalysis is impossible without “the other” and it always refers to the moment of primary subjectivation.

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